Parent University Night » Parent University Nights 2024

Parent University Nights 2024

WLE's Parent University Night events were a resounding success! Parents of K-4th grade students had the valuable opportunity to engage with teachers and learn about the expectations for their children in the upcoming school year. The events allowed parents to have meaningful discussions with teachers about various topics, ensuring they were well-informed and prepared to support their children.

Parents also had the chance to tour classrooms, gaining insight into the learning environments where their children spend their days. Dr. Tory Shirley delivered an informative presentation, offering an overview of the school and its goals for the year. The success of these nights was greatly enhanced by the active participation of the parents, who took the time to attend and engage in the event.

Overall, the Parent University Nights were a fantastic way to start the school year on the right foot, thanks to the strong collaboration between the school and the parent community!