West Lauderdale Elementary School Home
Grandparents' Breakfast
Grandparents play a valuable role in the lives of children. That's why it's always an honor to welcome them to our campus. Many turned out bringing smiles and plenty of hugs for the Grandparents' Breakfast. Click on the attached link to hear from some of the grandparents.
Free Tutoring Available!
Attention, scholars. We've got you covered! Once again, free tutoring service is available to all of our K-12 students.
Food for Thought
Here's a friendly reminder about the importance of not ignoring things that are negative, but to also remember to focus on the positive. We are #FutureFocused! Click on the attached link to view some of our students' Henri Matisse-inspired artwork.
Digital Tips Newsletter
Do you have questions? Well, we have answers! Here are the latest digital tips.
Meal Fees: Online Payment Service Available!
We're always looking for ways to help our faculty, staff, parents and students. There's a secure and easy way to pay school meal fees online. Click on the attached link to learn more about MySchoolBucks. #LCSDExcellence
Facts & Numbers
- A District's Grade Rating
- 86.4% Graduation Rate
- $5 Million in Scholarships Awarded
- 57 National Board Certified Teachers
- 74.6% Post-Secondary Enrollment
- 18.2 Average Composite LCSD ACT score
- 82.9% Experienced Teachers
- 50.9% Bachelor Degree Recipients
- 44.9% Master Degree Recipients
- 99.2% Pass Rate for Dual Credit Enrollment
- 97.4% LCSD Pass Rate for Third Grade Reading Assessment
- 68.1% score Silver & Higher on ACT WorkKeys
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